
Press Release

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 3 months ago

Tired of emailing Word docs to get your latest press release reviewed?  Use a workspace page instead.  This template makes it easy.


Remember, you can create your own customized version of any PBworks template simply by tagging that page with the keyword "template".  From then on, any user of your workspace will be able to use your page template.


Replace the PBworks boilerplate with your own text, add the "template" tag, and you'll have your own personalized press release tempate.



Title Goes Here, Initial Caps



San Mateo, Calif. - Month XX, YYYY - PBworks Inc., the world's largest provider of business and educational hosted wikis, today announced...



About PBworks, Inc.

PBworks (www.pbworks.com) is the world's largest provider of hosted business collaborative workspaces, hosting over 800,000 wikis and serving millions of users per month. According to a recent customer survey, 96% of business users would recommend PBworks to a friend.  Leading companies from AT&T to Wal-Mart, including one-third of the Fortune 500, have chosen PBworks to help them with knowledge management, collaboration, project management, and a host of other business processes and workflows.  PBworks' investors include Ron Conway and Mohr Davidow Ventures.


PBworks is a registered trademark of PBwiki, Inc.  All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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